Saturday, December 5, 2009

'I Love Your Blog' Award....December's Winners

This month's winners are amazingly hilarious and lve them some Rob. TWITARDED gives life and zeal to Twilight when we need it. I've been down and out before and STY and JJ bring me to stitches in seconds. The blog is very explicit, but it's worth it. So, if you get easily offended or are wayyyy too young, then don't read. If you're neither, visit the site!
They go to great lengths to make all us TwiHards happy, like this little blog entry:

It occurred to me recently that while I never travel anywhere without
Mini-Edward, he has been horribly neglected these last few months. In my
defense, he goes with me everywhere! He's endlessly entertaining when I'm left
waiting in random doctor's offices and even let me hold his cold little hand for
comfort when I landed in the ER a few months back (but all the blood and IVs make him a little, me, too, for that matter). But lately, I just forget that he is in
his special little Twilight pencil case Awesome-Twi-Action-Figure Tote rolling around in my handbag. I mean, he went to the New Moon premiere (natch!! he was even on my list of important things not to forget along with the tickets and booze!) and he only made one brief cameo in the deserving clutches of "The Hands of Twilight." And we were there - lollygagging around - for hours and hours... In hindsight, I felt kinda
bad. Granted, I was pretty hopped up that night - I practically forgot my own name and if pressed I may have called myself Jenny Snarkface or Snarkier Than Jerks or something like that. I get anxious easily - what can I say? continue...
Love you, ladies!
Visit the site here.

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